Monday, September 19, 2011

Maroubra Surfer Boys

Today in class we watched the Bra Boys documentary. I thought it was so interesting to learn about the surfer relationships in the town of Maroubra. The main boys who formed the Bra Boys gang are the Abberton brothers. All of the boys in the gang were from low-income families and broken homes that are filled with drugs, violence, neglect, abuse, etc. Since the boys lived such difficult lives at home, they really relied on each other and surfing to get them through life. They have all these tattoos to show membership to the Bra Boys and they earn these tattoos by hanging out with the gang for 5 to 10 years or so. I thought it was a really neat documentary because it really showed the camaraderie that is involved in the surfing communities here in Australia. I can’t think of an equivalent of that in America, but I guess the closest thing would be how guys group together and skateboard or ride BMX together. However, the story of the Bra Boys is a very unique and endearing story mixed with violence and sadness as well.

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